Octane v1.01.20 - The Open Compression Toolkit for C++ http://octane.sourceforge.net/
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Todo List

Member BitParser::senteos
there should be a way to do this automatically perhaps with a wrapper, rather than insisting all derived parsers deal with returning an EOS symbol.

Member bitreader::get_float ()
Experimental, not portable.

Member bitreader::get_double ()
Experimental, not portable.

Member bitwriter::put_float (float v)
Experimental, not portable.

Member bitwriter::put_double (double v)
Experimental, not portable.

Member HuffNode_Leaf::get_memoryused () const
do we really need to add sizeof(code_bitset) as we are doing?

Member OctaneCompressor::PrepareForCompression ()
is this a duplication of functionality in ResetState() and SynchronizeStateForNewStream()?

Member OctaneCompressor::Decompress (bitreader &from, bitwriter &to, bool needtoreadheader)
what should we do on a LoadCompressionHeader() error?

Member OctaneCompressor::GetStatistics_LastOperation_ErrorCount ()
i don't think we currently reset this, so it may behave like cumulative error until we fix it.

Member OctaneCompressor::SaveGUID (bitwriter &to)
- we will add code here so that we use only 1 byte for most guid, and 2 bytes for others, but for now we always use 1 byte for GUID

Member OctaneCompressor::LoadGUID (bitreader &from)
- we will add code so that we use only 1 byte for most guid, and 2 bytes for others, but for now we always use 1 byte for GUID

Member OctaneTester::RunCommand_LoadCompressor (std::string filename)
show compressor id info

Member OctaneTester::DeleteAFile (std::string filename)
this is not implemented yet

Member OctaneTester::CheckFilesAreIdentical (std::string filename1, std::string filename2)
do we need to do this more efficiently

Member SampleParser::senteos
there should be a way to do this automatically perhaps with a wrapper, rather than insisting all derived parsers deal with returning an EOS symbol.

Member stringparser::get_token ()
should be able to handle quoted tokens.

Member SubstringParser::senteos
this is an odd responsibility for the parser to have to deal with, so we should probably find a way to eliminate this.

File huffmancoder.hpp
There seems to be a bug in this code which is causing very large bitcodes for rare symbols - they should not get this large afaik. it may have to do with a flaw in the implementation, or be due to the fact that we are artifically forcing the tree to keep some primitive ascii characters which actually get frequency counts of 0.

File symbolweightvector.hpp
I considered making a base class and then derived template classes for integer and floating point weight vectors. however I'm not sure the memory advantage for integers (the rare case) would offset the speed hit to be paid for virtual functions, and the inconvenience of dealing with different types for different coders/modelers.

File bitparser.cpp
: this is not finished yet

File bitparser.hpp
: this is not finished yet
Generated on 20 May 2004 by doxygen 1.3.3